A very high graded, extremely low-viscosity automatic transmission fluid based on special selected synthetic base oils, with a high viscosity index and a number of selected additives to obtain the following properties:

  • excellent contribution to fuel economy
  • excellent lubrication
  • very good resistance against oxidation
  • very good thermal stability
  • excellent and very stable friction characteristics
  • excellent resistance against corrosion and foaming
  • excellent protection against wear
  • a very high and stable viscosity index

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This premium synthetic product is specially formulated for the lubrication of certain Mercedes-Benz automatic transmissions with 9 gears. This oil contributes significantly to realizing fuel saving and can be used in automatic transmissions where an oil with the specification MB 236.17 is prescribed


  Unit Average Value
Dichte bei 15 °C kg/l 0.835
Viskosität 40 °C mm²/s 17.10
Viskosität 100 °C mm²/s 4.23
Viskositätsindex 161
Flammpunkt COC °C 190
Fließpunkt °C -54


3x5L P41231-ARD005
20L P41231-ARD020
60L P41231-ARD060
210L P41231-ARD210
* Nur pro voller Palette erhältlich

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