
  • ACEA F01
  • API FA-4/SN Plus
  • DTFR 15C130
  • MB 228.61
  • Cummins CES 20087
  • Detroit Diesel DFS 93K223
  • FORD WSS-M2C214-B1
  • JASO DH-2
  • MACK EOS-5


A top quality fuel economy diesel engine oil based on the latest additive technology combined with specially selected synthetic base oils. This engine oil has the following properties:

  • a very powerful detergency prevents deposits in the engine
  • a very strong dispersion that prevents from precipitation and sludge
  • a decreased tendency to particle forming increases the lifetime of the particlefilter
  • a powerful activity against, corrosion and foam
  • a high and natural viscosity index
  • a low sulphated ash, phosphor and sulphur content (low SAPS)
  • a powerful activity against wear resulting in strongly reduced wear of piston-rings and cylinder-liners
  • a high fuel economy
  • contributes to a decrease of the maintenance costs

Angebot einholen


This fuel saving lubricant has mainly been developed for heavy diesel engines even under the toughest operation conditions and all the year round. This product is very suitable for on-road Euro 6 and off-road EU Stage IV engines in combination with diesel fuel with a low sulphur content, where the specified specifications are requested. This engine oil is also suitable for application in engines with or without particle filters and exhaust gas after treatment systems. Due to its low SAPS content this motor oil contributes to the extension of the lifetime of particle filters for diesel engines


  Unit Average Value
Dichte bei 15 °C kg/l 0,859
Viskosität 40 °C mm²/s 58,50
Viskosität 100 °C mm²/s 9,96
Viskosität -30 °C mPas 6200
Viskositätsindex 157
Flammpunkt COC °C 222
Fließpunkt °C -42
Total Base Number mgKOH/g 9,8
Gehalt an Sulfatasche % 0,89


20L P20291-ARD020
60L P20291-ARD060
210L P20291-ARD210

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