Livello di prestazioni

DIN 51517-3 CLP
FZG >12


A synthetic industrial gear oil based on poly-alkylene-glycol (PAG) under addition of special additives the following properties are obtained:

- a natural high viscosity index
- excellent high and low temperature properties
- a very good resistance towards high pressures and shock loads
- a high resistance against oxidation
- a long service life
- a strong reduction of wear

Richiedi preventivo


This synthetic oil is very suitable for the lubrication of heavy loaded mechanical gearboxes and bearings with a high thermal load. In comparison with mineral industrial gear oils a substantial extension of the oil drain interval is possible. This oil may not be contacted with aluminium and aluminiumalloys. This product contains polyalkylene glycols and is therefore not miscible with mineral or other synthetic oils.


  Unit Average Value
Densità a 15 °C kg/l 1,065
Viscosità a 40 °C mm²/s 460,00
Viscosità a 100 °C mm²/s 69,90
Indice di viscosità 231
Punto di infiammabilità COC °C 270
Punto di scorrimento °C -36


20L 60L 210L IBC

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