Найдите лучшее масло для вашего автомобиля


This is a grease based on a mixture of two soaps: lithium and calcium. The grease is reinforced with polymers and a special selection of additives, allowing the lubrication interval to be extended. In addition, the grease has exceptional adhesion properties, making it highly resistant to all weather conditions, splashing water, and even steam, while maintaining its optimal protection against corrosion.
  • Very good water resistance
  • High mechanical stability under heavy loads
  • Exceptional adhesion to metal surfaces
  • High temperature stability
  • Remarkable corrosion protection
  • Extension of lubrication interval
  • Wear prevention

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This grease is suitable for the lubrication of most industrial and mobile applications operating under difficult conditions, such as agricultural and construction machinery.
Its exceptional properties allow a significant extension of the lubrication interval and ensure ideal protection, including against shocks and vibrations, for applications at medium and low speeds.


  Unit Average Value
Плотность при 20 °C g/cm³ 0.95
Цвет RED
Классификация Национального института смазочных материалов (США) 2
Загуститель Lithium / Calcium
Пенетрация после перемешивания 0.1 mm 265 - 295
Испытания на сваривание на четырехшариковой машине трения Kg ≥ 250
Диапазон рабочих температур °C -25 / +130
Проба на медную пластинку 24h @ 100°C 1b
Вымывание смазки водой, потеря масс. % % ≤ 5
температурой каплепадения °C > 180
Вязкость базового масла при 40°C mm²/s 220
Base oil viscosity at 100°C mm²/s 17.5
Water resistance 0 - 90
Oxidation resistance hPa (Pressure drop 100h/100°C) ≤ 500


24x400g M5012-ARD400
4x5kg M5012-ARD005
18kg M5012-ARD018
50kg M5012-ARD050
180kg M5012-ARD180