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  • KP 2 N-20
  • ISO-L-X-BDEB 2

        MULTI-TEMP EP 2

        This is a high-quality, aging-resistant EP multifunctional grease with excellent corrosion-preventing properties, made from a lithium thickener, a special selection of base oils, and active components.
        It is water- and pressure-resistant, wear-preventing, and thermally stable.
        The grease has good adhesion properties to metal surfaces. A grease collar leads to optimal sealing and thus provides extremely high protection of the lubrication point.

        • Good water resistance
        • Temperature stable
        • Wear-free
        • Good adhesion to metal surfaces
        • Remarkable corrosion protection
        • Resistant to ageing
        • High mechanical stability at high loads
        • Easily pumpable in centralised lubrication systems

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        Suitable for the lubrication of mechanically and thermally loaded bearings in e.g. gantry cranes in the steel sector, wheel bearings, earth setting machines and forging presses. Was also already successfully used in difficult environmental conditions such as chemical industry, sugar factories and construction industry.


          Unit Average Value
        Цвет Yellow, light amber
        Классификация Национального института смазочных материалов (США) 2
        Загуститель Lithium
        Пенетрация после перемешивания 0.1 mm 265-295
        Испытания на сваривание на четырехшариковой машине трения Kg ≥ 250
        Диапазон рабочих температур °C -20 - +140
        Плотность при 25 °C g/ml 0.90
        Проба на медную пластинку 24h @ 100°C 1b
        Выделение масла, % % ≤ 3
        температурой каплепадения °C > 180
        Вязкость базового масла при 40°C mm²/s 200
        Base oil viscosity at 100°C mm²/s 16.5
        Water resistance 1 - 90
        Flash Point °C > 230
        Flow pressure at +20°C hPa ≤ 150
        Flow pressure at -20°C hPa ≤ 1400
        Oxidation resistance hPa (Pressure drop 100h/100°C) ≤ 400


        24x400g M5014-ARD400
        1kg M5014-ARD001
        18kg M5014-ARD018
        50kg M5014-ARD050
        180kg M5014-ARD180

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