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  • ACEA A3/B4


A fully synthetic engine oil based on carefully selected high quality synthetic base oils, all of which already have a natural, high viscosity index and which advanced and well balanced additives in order to obtain the following properties:

  • a very low tendency to evaporation
  • a high and very stable viscosity index
  • a good resistance against shearing
  • a high resistance against aging
  • a safe lubrication film at low and very high temperatures
  • a very good detergency and dispersion power
  • a very strong protection against wear, corrosion and foaming

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A fully synthetic engine oil, designed for cars for race conditions where the highest performance is required. This oil has proven its quality under the most extreme conditions particularly in races.


  Unit Average Value
Плотность при 15 °C kg/l 0.867
Вязкость при 40 °C mm²/s 155.10
Вязкость при 100 °C mm²/s 24.20
Вязкость при минус 25 °C mPas 6040
Коэффициент вязкости 189
Температура вспышки по Кливленду °C 238
Температура застывания °C -48
Общее щелочное число mgKOH/g 10.5
Содержание сульфатной золы % 1.33


20L 60L 210L IBC

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